Joining the group exhibition presented by IMA Media project and Panasonic called 'Beyond 2020 by Japanese photographers #6' with 5 other talented photographers.
I will show the latest series named 'INCIDENTS'.
21st - 23rd of Sep./ Amsterdam Unseen
7th- 24th of Nov./ Paris
TBD (around Nov. to Dec.)/ Tokyo
IMA、Panasonic主催の'Beyond 2020 by Japanese photographers #6'展に参加します。新作「INCIDENTS」を発表します。
21st - 23rd of Sep./ アムステルダム
7th- 24th of Nov./ パリ
未定 (around Nov. to Dec.)/ 東京
Joined the 1_WALL group exhibition and showed 'Letters to You' series. Thank you for every one dropped by.