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​うつしみの愛人形 by 苅部太郎

中島千滋さん、65歳。恋人の沙織さんと東京近郊で暮らしています。ふたりは同じベッドで毎晩眠り、デートに出かけ、甘い言葉を囁きます。 他のカップルと唯一異なる点は、沙織さんがシリコン製のラブドールであることです。中島さんには妻子がいますが、40歳の頃に単身赴任をきっかけに家庭を離れ、55歳で孤独を感じてラブドールを迎え入れました。初恋の相手や過去の恋人の面影を投影して人形遊びをしていましたが、ある日訪れた相模原のキャンプ場で美しい光が差し、彼の目の前で沙織さんに生きた心が宿ります。まるで古代ローマの詩人オイディウスの『変身物語』に登場するキプロス島の王ピグマリオンが、自ら彫刻したガラテア像と恋に落ちたように。それまで寝食を忘れ仕事一筋だった彼の生活は、それから沙織さん中心のものに変わっていき、以来長らく家族公認での三角関係を続けています。私は2016年に中島さんのブログを見つけたことをきっかけに、2020年まで彼らの生活にお邪魔しました。この作品はその5年の間に撮られた写真と、中島さんの日記で構成されています。












Man's Affair with Silicone Lover

by Taro Karibe

Senji Nakajima, 65 years old, has lived with his girlfriend 'Saori' in his house near Tokyo, Japan. They hang out, go shopping, and sleep in the same bed. The only thing different from any other couple is that Saori is a life-size 'love doll' made of silicone. Nakajima has a wife and two children, but at the age of 40, he left his family when he moved out for his work. At around 55, he bought a love doll to fill the loneliness of living alone. He used to imagine that the doll was his first girlfriend and used it for sexual purposes, but months later, he started to believe that Saori has her own personality, like the sculptor Pygmalion who fell in love with the ivory- made Galatea, in Ovidius's 'Metamorphoses' story. One day, a beautiful light shone upon a campground in Sagamihara city, and Saori began to move before Nakajima's eyes. After studying Shinto at university, Nakajima worked hard at the Jinja-Honcho (Japan Shrine Headquarter) and then at a hospital, but his life has changed to one centered on Saori. Since then, he has been in a family-approved love triangle. I found Nakajima's blog in 2016, which led me to visit their lives until 2020. This work is composed of photographs taken during those five years and his diary.


As I peeked into their lives, I began to understand why Nakajima had chosen to live with Saori.

'She never betrays me and isn't only after money. I'm tired of modern rational humans. They are heartless,' Nakajima says,

'for me, she is more than a doll, not just silicone rubber. She needs much help, but is still my perfect partner with whom I share precious moments and enriches my life.'

At the age of 26, Nakajima entered into a marriage arranged by his parents, and he and his wife were not romantically involved with each other. Both of them tried to be disciplined, exemplifying a perfect family. Then they had a child and became a family before getting a chance to become romantically involved with each other. 

'I don't have any regrets,' he said, 'because we aimed to become happy as a family rather than building a romantic relationship between a man and a woman. I don't have any regrets, as long as the ultimate result of happiness is achieved. No matter what the process is. We don't live together, but my family is living happily now.'

Nakajima, who has struggled in a society with many ties, seems to have found a place where he does not have to appear proper and where he can feel euphoric.


I also caught a glimpse of how Saori looked in Nakajima's eyes. The 'Saori' series, created by the Orient Industry in Japan, is priced at 656,000JPY, stands 157 cm tall, weighs 27.5 kg. At first, I saw Saori only as a surrealistic and slightly spooky object. However, as we spent time together and Nakajima monologued to the doll, I treated the doll as if it were a human being, and by sort of "acting" it out, I overlapped with his world, and there were moments when I felt a sense of life appear in Saori. After a brief moment of falling into a state of consciousness where the boundary between dream and reality, self and other, became vague, the doll and human became equivalent, and for me, the difference disappeared. Since time immemorial, human beings have used the human figure as a medium to imagine and relate to the unliving and the absent. There are many anecdotes of love with non-human beings, such as a man in China who fell in love with a bamboo mat and a woman in 21st century France who married the Eiffel Tower. Beyond the lives of Ms. Nakajima and Saori, I believe we can find countless new relationships between humans and non-humans.


The technology for love dolls and autonomous sex robots, both female and male, is advancing rapidly, and their appearance and movements are getting closer to those of real person. When these fake dolls reach the level of being indistinguishable from flesh and blood, will we still be able to maintain the same view of humanity and the difference between "true reality" and "beautiful dreams"? The dystopian fear that reality will be taken over by its copies, and that humanity and morality will be devastated, is a fear that has long been held by humanity, and has been repeatedly portrayed as a threat in numerous films and literature. However, as David Levy, an artificial intelligence and sexuality researcher, predicts, human-robot love, sex and marriage will be commonplace by 2050, it is no longer a fictional science fiction thought experiment, but a real and imminent event, posing the question, "What makes us human?”

(Some of the images were commissioned by Getty Images)

いまそこにいるイヴのために by 都築響一





"For Eve Right There”  by  Kyoichi Tsuzuki, Photographer/ Editor

When I was told, "A photo collection of love dolls is being created" for an instance I felt like here we go again. The young man who spoke to me took out what seemed to be a very handmade thin photo book with a red cover. The title “Saori” likely referred to the most popular model “Saori” made by Orient Kogyo. To be honest, when I turned the page without expecting much, I found rare photos of a love doll. Although it was named Saori, the main character of this photobook was not a love doll, but a middle-aged man who loved love dolls. It was not an artificial beauty, but a love doll and a human being—Saori and Nakajima-san—a record of love was chronicled in photos and text. The love doll that has become so "real" in the decades since the "balloon doll" era. Although most photographers try to capture the beauty and human nature, it is not about love dolls but “love of love dolls” that Taro Karibe presents in the “Saori”. 

Rather than how the photographer views and presents the love doll, how the love doll is viewed as a woman through the eyes of the owner/lover/master is examined up close and verified; it is a collection of such processes.  In the preface and afterwords of “Saori”, is a quote from “The Future Eve” by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, also known for popularizing the word “Android”.  In this story, a universal inventor, Edison, creates an ideal artificial beautiful female “Hadaly”' for the disappointing youth Lord Ewald, and towards the climax, the artificial beauty inspired by life whispers to the reluctant young man, “I am someone in a (dream),  and I (a shadow) have come to save you.”  Returning to the emptiness of everyday life with clamorous truths and reasons, what will there be. The young man finally gives up in sweet surrender to the artificial beauty’s luring words "Please do not awaken from me." Mr. Nakajima notes "She never betrays me, and isn’t only after money. For me, she is more than a doll, not just silicon rubber. She needs much help, but still is my perfect partner who shares precious moments with me and enriches my life.'"  For him, the love doll is already the “current Eve” who has surpassed “a machine for singles”, but of course the surrounding people will not see it as such.  In opposition to society’s “sense of decency” about “middle-aged perverted guy who has a family, but lives with a love doll” — without even being accepted in the category of sexual minorities such as LGBT—Mr. Nakajima lives with an ideal form made of silicon. The eyes of the camera gently enter into the “non-awakening beautiful dream” and quietly snuggle up.  Karibe’s “Saori” is such a compassionate documentary.



「触れること」が制限された世界で by 関根麻里恵 / 表象文化研究者














In a world where "touches" are restricted  

by Marie Sekine, Researcher of Representational Culture


"'Love dolls' maximize their appeal when touched by someone," this was my first impression when I came to touch "love dolls" and at the moment when I saw the picture in Taro Karibe's "Saori". I witnessed a huge amount of works, from both professionals or amateurs, with "love dolls" as subject in recent years but many of them are just the "love dolls"; it is extremely rare to see them together with their users. Let alone the daily life of two -not merely out of interests or techniques to peep- there are no works that seem to be cut out such naturally, to my knowledge.


Let's get to know the history of "love dolls" before we take a closer look at the details of "Saori".


"Love dolls" are human-sized dolls mainly for men. In English-speaking countries, they are also called “blowup dolls” or “sex dolls” while formerly known as "Dutch Wife" in Japan. Different people have different theories, but "Dutch Wife" first became known as a type of anthropomorphic sex toy when an article gossiping surfaced, which mentioned a doll called “South Pole No. 1 (commonly called “Benten-san”) was passed to the Antarctic Research Expedition (1957-58) in South Pole for resolving members’ sexual desire. According to the records left by those members, the doll had never been used while the rumor triggered development in the adult goods market that sex dolls began to appear in manga comics and adult movies.


At that time, the doll was a simple vinyl one like a prop for a prank. Yet, Orient Industry, a special body maker founded in 1977, started to manufacture life-sized female dolls to accommodate not only physical fulfillment but also human imagination. Saori, Senji Nakajima's partner, was also from this Orient Industry. With the history of producing items for men with sexual problems and disabilities, they were aware of the issue that it shouldn’t be a tool merely for satisfying sexual wants. The original simple inflatable toy hence transcended to latex, soft vinyl, urethane, and silicone ones with realistic shape and touching texture very much close to human skin. Various names have also been upheld by the manufacturers so as to stand out their new image. Eventually, the name "love doll" has become widely known nowadays.


I think that "love dolls" are now starting to shift from the instrumental relationships they once had to those aiming at the “relationship” itself. That is also because the use of "love dolls" seems to be transforming from a so-called tool for libido to an intimate being. And, it does not necessarily extend to the relationship of "heterosexuality" but to the broader sense of "love". It makes sense to say Senji and Saori are great examples. Viewing from the outside, it might look like a one-way deception without true communication. Nevertheless, isn’t it doubtful whether humans can truly communicate with each other sometimes? And, it's not the actions between humans that are the only "correct" ones. There should also be, without a shadow of doubt, other unique ways of communication.


As you might probably know from "Saori", Senji treasures Saori very much. He buys new clothes and wigs for her, he brushes her hair carefully, he coats baby powder on her body to prevent the oil from seeping out of the silicone, and he backs her up so she doesn’t fall down… these may just be daily routines for Senji, but those who don't know about "love dolls" might be very surprised to know all these as there is always a recognition that "love dolls" are items allow you to do whatever you want. However, "love dolls" are more delicate and fragile than you might imagine, and they are difficult to handle as just a libido accommodating tool. Also, because it is as large as, and as heavy as a human to a certain extent, it is something more than just a hobby thing. Still, Senji spends years with Saori. The relationship between them can be said to be "for the sake of having a relationship."


When Senji touches Saori and have eye contacts, there are true, real communication between them. And, there are “love”- At least I see them. 


As of December 2020, when this commentary is written, we are in a world where contacts are restricted. Until now, I have completely forgotten that "touch is an expression of intimacy indeed. Some media reported that sales of "love dolls" increased under the current circumstance. The usage may vary, but we may all be more eager to "touch" something than ever before.


"Saori" is a record of love that reminds us of the affection, variety, and irreplaceability of "touch" our love as we are in such a world.

© 2023 Taro Karibe All rights reserved.

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